Thursday, June 25, 2009

My To-Do List

I have so much going on in the next week - at times it's definitely overwhelming but also quite exciting and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. So here's my to do list.

1. In less than one week I am moving here. (This is a pic looking at the backyard. Big Yard! Lots of mowing!I can not believe it. This is a huge dream come true. I'm actually buying my own house - all by myself. I feel both overwhelmed with fear and thanksgiving and I hope the thanksgiving eventually clobbers the fear in my heart. It's a 122 year old Victorian house with a third floor which I will use for my art studio. Yippee no more messy dining rooms!!!

2. I have three painting commissions that came about all last week!!!! All want them in the middle of July. I'm always torn about commissions - very stressful paintings for me - mostly because I'm having to work on a deadline, and I create in my head this intense pressure - I so want to please the client. I hate all that pressure. And, I've done LOTS of commissions, I would like to think someday that heavy dreadful feeling would go away. Come on, they wouldn't have hired me if they didn't already like my work. Maybe the pressure is good???? But let me end by saying I am thankful and always so completely blown away that someone will pay me for a painting.

3. I just started an on-line course and am so enjoying Marise's point of view and calming affect on my agitated creative spirit. It's been a god send and I'm so glad to meet other creative types. There are over 75 people taking the class and I want to visit every blog and website of my class mates.
4. And... I gotta work my job through it all.... hmmmm

But what a fabulous to do list huh????


  1. You forgot to add training for a triathlon to your to do list! So glad to hear that painting is still cathartic for you!

  2. That IS quite a to do list! Congratulations! Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. It seems like for all of us "in the fish bowl" the timing of Marisa's class is really perfect!
    See you there!

  3. Congratulations on your house! That's fantastic! I love that the third floor is your art studio. And I understand what you mean about commissions.

  4. Congratulations homeowner! I remember feeling exactly the same. Enjoy it, it's a lovely looking home. I hope you'll share photos of it's transformation. I'm catching up and introducing myself to fellow fish. Your artwork is so charming.

  5. Hi - I was in the fishbowl too. I am just now getting through all of the websites and wanted to say hello. Your watercolors are beautiful. Best wishes in your new home. :-)
